Be protected. Have peace of mind.
22 Cypress Avenue
Wheeling, WV 26003
Fax: 304-242-3937
Be protected. Have peace of mind.
22 Cypress Avenue
Wheeling, WV 26003
Fax: 304-242-3937
This service may provide you with thousands of dollars of royalty payments you are NOT NOW receiving.
Bordas Mineral Management is able to collect and maintain records, of royalty payments on a well and lease basis, which will relieve the royalty owner of burden examining and assessing (something you will probably not able to do without the correct computer models and programs) the enormous amount of data necessary to validates correct royalty payments.
In short, Bordas Mineral Management, among other things, will be reviewing materials and production data to determine your royalty checks are issued in proper amount.
This must done because royalty revenue receipts are often incorrect, sometimes by significant amounts. Thus, verification of right ownership percentage and a comparison and review of pricing and production information will be undertaken to verify that the owner is receiving correct payments.
Have you been in production for months, years, multiple years?
Bordas Mineral Management is offering Royalty Auditing services. Our team of division order analysts, accountants, and industry professionals will the assisting landowner in retrieving past production royalty checks. Analyzing old production data from existing well and also working with the operator/operators to retrieve production cost that affect your royalty payments to determine if your past royalties were paid to accurate manner.
A review of past production statements can result in settlement of hundreds of thousands of dollars with ongoing future increases in royalty payments of thousands of dollars year.
State law limits the amount of time have recover under payments. In short, the sooner audit process begins the more collected your royalty payments over the lifetime of your well.
A oil, gas and mineral lease is primary and controlling contract in oil, gas and mineral related transactions. With changing environment in industry, more at satisfactory lease contract this mandatory. An inadequate or improperly prepared lease may subject owner to years of disadvantage. While most companies are ethical when dealing with owners, the attempt to negotiate transaction advantage. Bordas Mineral Management will assist owners or to agent, attorney, or representatives in negotiation of lease terms which protect and enhance value of owners property. Bordas Mineral Management remains abreast of leasing markets and can advise clients as lease terms which the “market” should bear. For owners of multiples properties subject of recurring leases proposals, Bordas Mineral Management can prepare of oil, gas, and mineral leases tailored to owner’s specific needs, desires, and concerns, which may be adapted for use in recurring lease transactions.
Payment of delay rentals and shut-in gas royalties are component of and many condition to continuing validity of many oil and gas leases. Bordas Mineral Management will review and verify for timeliness and accuracy, delay rental and shut-in royalty payment receipts. When payments are late, are not made, or underpayments occur, Bordas Mineral Management will initiate efforts to secure releases of oil and gas lease contracts and return the affected property to “available” status new lease (and additional revenue) can be obtained for the owner.
This client category includes individuals and business SELLERS and their agents, attorneys, and representatives involved in sale of royalty and mineral interest (producing and non-producing), leasehold interests (work interests and overriding royalty interests), or surface interests (referred this discussion as “Oil and Gas Properties” or “Properties”), which are affected by oil, gas, and mineral exploration, development, and production activities.
Whether an offer to purchase properties is solicited or unsolicited, a prospective seller may find it beneficial to obtain assistance. The spectrum of sellers include those who have never been involved in a sales transaction, to those regularly involved in sales transactions. The services available through Bordas Mineral Management are intended to accommodate all or selected needs of a prospective seller and to provide assistance to seller’s agents, attorneys, and representatives in fulfilling the seller’s obligations in a successful transaction.
The services available from Bordas Mineral Management include:
22 Cypress Avenue, Wheeling, WV 26003
Phone: 304-243-8000 | Fax: 304-242-3937
Bordas Mineral Management is not a law firm and does not provide any legal services. If you have any questions or matters that require the services of a lawyer, you should contact the lawyer or law firm of your choice. None of your communications or dealings with Bordas Mineral Management create an attorney-client relationship nor provide any protections of an attorney-client relationship.
©2020, Bordas Mineral Management. Website by Wheelhouse Creative